PERSpectivesDance Co.
What styles will be taught?
The PDC Summer Intensive will be providing classes in many styles of dance including contemporary, hip hop, improv, jazz, ballet, tap, and heels for the advanced level. There will also be daily seminars featuring tools for becoming professional and college prep for professional minded dancers.
Is the PDC Summer Intensive 2020 online or in person?
Due to the desire to protect our dancers, faculty, and families during the COVID19 pandemic, we have shifted gears for the 2020 PDCSI to be 100% online through zoom.
Are scholarships available?
Scholarships for the 2020 PDCSI were awarded last year during the 2019 PDCSI auditions. If you would like to register this year but are unable to pay the full amount all at once, please reach out to to work out a payment plan.
Is there a dress code?
There is no required dress code. Just be ready to move and sweat!
What is the PDC Summer Intensive?
The PDC Summer Intensive is a week of incredible dance classes, seminars, mock and real auditions, and dance related activities. The intensive is created by, and is a fundraiser for, PERSpectives Dance Company.
What is the timeframe and schedule?
The Intensive runs Mon.-Fri. July 13-17 from 10am-3pm daily, with auditions on Friday.
An informal show for parents/friends to see what the dancers have learned that week on Friday afternoon.
An example schedule is shown below. This years schedule will be avail the week before the event.
What are the levels/ages?
There are 2 levels: Intermediate and advanced/professional. Each level is designed specifically for the needs of the dancers at that level in their dancing career and gives dancers the opportunity to work with master teachers and audition for scholarships. Scholarships are awarded at the end of the week and a for the next season.
Intermediate dancers will have demanding classes and work on next level technique and style. It is recommended for dancers 9-12/13 years of age.
The advanced/ professional level is designed to challenge dancers who are interested in pursuing a career in dance, or achieving that next level goal. As such, the age recommendation for this level is 14-adult. No dancer under 13 will be permitted. Along with challenging classes with master teachers, dancers will have seminars on resume writing and headshots, audition skills, tips to keep working, injury prevention, and what opportunities are out their for dancers. They will also have an opportunity to audition for the PERSpectives Pre-Professional Company, PDC.2, which will have the opportunity to work with the professional company, PERSpectives Dance Co., and have a unique performance opportunity.